During the interactive Legal Geek North America session, our CEO, Michael Grupp, guided Legal Geek attendees as they travelled through the city of Old Slowville, where legal denizens are ensnared by manual work and endless, repetitive activities that, while vital for the business, take up a massive part of their time, preventing them from focusing on the more strategic, high-impact work.  

Along the way, attendees had a chance to listen to fellow superheroes share their experiences in using no-code automation to save time and provide a better service to clients, giving invaluable guidance to other legal innovation champions to follow suit. Here’s a sneak peek at our heroes’ journey through Old Slowville:

The Battle of Repapering: Super Nikki from Paul Hastings 

The first hero we heard from was Nikki Shaver, Managing Director, Innovation and Knowledge, at the law firm Paul Hastings, who spoke with Rob Armbruster, one of our Account Executives, about her epic win at the Battle of Repapering and how she managed to automate large-scale repapering exercises, such as LIBOR transition while fending off Slowbies – the manual work sidekicks. 

“The challenges we and our clients face are not uncommon; they are challenges faced by many firms and all financial companies across the world as the LIBOR base rate is phased out. It is a change that affects something like three trillion financial instruments in the US alone. It is high-volume work, that would be very expensive if done by regular attorneys, such as the ones enslaved in Slowville. 

“So, we introduced workflow automation that would challenge the Slowbies of Slowville, and allow us to undertake this work in a way that really increases the speed at which our clients could conduct their repapering efforts, and BRYTER was an integral part of that.  

“We connected BRYTER with another technology to produce an end-to-end solution that would allow our attorneys and lower cost reviewers to undertake a full repapering effort in a fraction of the time that would otherwise have taken.” 

Meeting client needs: Super Adam from Reed Smith 

Next up, we spoke with our next superhero, Adam Curphey, Innovation Engagement Senior Manager at Reed Smith LLP

Adam talked to Joanna Sidhu, our Director of Marketing, about what processes like were before no-code and how they’ve changed. 

“Even before the pandemic, which also affected Old Slowville, legal departments were increasingly being asked to provide value and find time and cost efficiencies, while becoming a greater part of the business. The pandemic has made the interaction between legal teams and the rest of the business even more important. Legal teams now need to act as business partners and find innovative solutions to advance matters as opposed to just providing advice.” 

Adam spoke about the projects he and his team have built with the power of no-code, against the backdrop of data privacy regulations, and how easy it was to get started:  

“One of our clients needed the solution to empower the procurement team to make preliminary assessments of the applications of data privacy laws, based on a number of questions, and then to produce a first draft of the data protection agreement or automatically refer that agreement to the in-house legal team. Having a no-code tool like BRYTER helped speed up the procurement process.”  

Meeting Captain No-Code 

And of course, the event would not have been complete without hearing from the original superhero: Captain No-Code, who told us about the source of the superpowers and what that means for all those wishing to escape Old Slowville. Here’s the full journey through Old Slowville:

Did you miss the event? Do you want to find out how you can get your own no-code superpowers to automate the manual, recurring legal work that can be standardized? Worry not, simply email us at hello@bryter.io or book a demo and we’ll arrange a time for you to speak with one of our experts to discuss our ESG software and our use cases.