NEW. Introducing Extract Agent: AI review and extraction within workflows. Learn more.

Introducing Extract Agent: Combining AI with Workflows

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There has been a lot of interest in legal AI, but a realization has dawned recently: chatbots for lawyers aren’t enough.

This month, we launched our new AI extraction tool, **Extract Agent,** which enables legal teams to use AI contract review and data extraction functionality across a wider range of use cases.

Traditionally, contract review and extraction software was only suitable for large deals and transactions given the high up-front investment needed to configure and train the extraction software for the relevant documents. Now, thanks to AI, that is no longer the case.

In our recent webinar with our CEO, Michael Grupp, and Sales Engineer, Josh Farmer, we looked at some of these developments, explored how BRYTER’s Extract Agent works, and gave some practical steps on how to use AI in your existing legal workflows.

Read on for the recap, or click the image above to watch the webinar again in full.

Why Extract Agent? Why BRYTER?

Michael kicked things off by addressing why BRYTER, traditionally known for its no-code automation platform, moved into the AI space with this new product.

He framed it simply: the tech is here, and it’s time to take advantage of it. But it’s not just about using AI for the sake of using AI.

“We are an automation company and very proud of our rule-based reasoning algorithms. But times change,” Michael said.

He emphasized that the need to evolve drove the development of Extract Agent. BRYTER saw the potential to move beyond traditional contract extraction tools, which required large investments of both time and money, limiting their use to big deals and transactions.

The AI landscape has shifted. “We are in a world where this use case, extraction and review, becomes faster, easier, and especially cheaper. And that means that smaller teams can use it,” Michael explained.

AI in legal workflows

As Michael touched on, generative AI has been massively influential in the last few years. It’s fast, smart, and can read and write at a scale that even the best legal teams couldn’t imagine.

But, as he put it, using AI just to chat with a document isn’t where the real magic happens.

As Michael pointed out, while generative AI is impressive, it’s often limited when used alone. “If you just have a chatbot, the power is limited to what you can do within a chat window,” he said.

The real value comes when you embed that AI within a workflow — giving it rules, actions, and context. This transforms it from a cool technology to a genuinely useful tool for legal professionals.

What sets Extract Agent apart?

One of the major issues with existing AI tools is their lack of flexibility.

Extract Agent is designed to solve that.

By embedding AI into rule-based workflows, it transforms AI from a conversation tool into something far more powerful — allowing legal teams to quickly analyze contracts at scale, extract key information, and trigger automated actions based on that data.

Michael touched on BRYTER’s long-standing experience with repapering projects, where automation plus AI has been particularly impactful.

“Repapering is maybe the boss-level use case,” he noted, recalling a time when these projects were labor-intensive and costly. But today, thanks to advances in AI, “This use case becomes cheaper and more available.”

The demo: a step-by-step of Extract Agent in action

Following Michael’s introduction, Joshua Farmer, one of BRYTER’s Sales Engineers, took us through a live demo of the tool.

For most of us, seeing is believing, and Josh’s walkthrough was proof of how easy Extract Agent is to use.

Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Uploading Contracts Josh uploaded several employment contracts ****into Extract Agent. Immediately, the AI went to work, extracting key data such as the parties involved, effective dates, contract values, and expiration details — all without any pre-training or manual configuration. Out of the box, Extract Agent knows what data points matter most to you and pulls them out right away.
  2. Setting Up a Custom Workflow But what if you’re looking for something specific? Let’s say you need to find contracts missing an IP transfer clause. Josh demonstrated how easy it is to create a custom project, tailored specifically to this use case. In just a few clicks, he set up Extract Agent to scan the uploaded contracts for IP clauses and flag any that were missing this essential provision.
  3. Running the Analysis The AI ran the analysis, and within seconds, it presented a grid showing which contracts had IP transfer clauses, and which were missing. The tool even pinpointed the exact section of the contract where the clause was located (or, in some cases, where it was absent).
  4. Taking Action Once the data had been extracted, Josh moved into BRYTER’s automation platform. Contracts missing the IP transfer clause were flagged as needing an addendum, and the workflow automatically generated both the addendum and a letter to the employee explaining the changes. The process could then send the addendum out for e-signature via DocuSign, all without any manual intervention.

The bigger picture: legal AI isn’t just a gimmick

Throughout the webinar, Michael kept coming back to the same theme: AI isn’t a silver bullet, but it is a powerful tool when used in the right way.

Combining AI extraction with workflows opens up possibilities that go far beyond what most lawyers think AI is capable of.

This isn’t about a flashy chatbot or some over-hyped technology. Extract Agent is about taking the tedious, repetitive work that legal teams have to do day in, day out — contract reviews, repapering, due diligence — and making it fast, efficient, and scalable.

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