BRYTER Campus Series: Inaugural Speed Hackathon Round-up

BRYTER Campus Series

Over an intense four-hour period, students used their industry knowledge and our platform to build a software solution for a real-world use case.

Our Speed Hackathons allow students to showcase their skills, get up to speed in legal engineering, and build professional decision automation tools on our platform. The first event, which took place in our Frankfurt office, was already a success.

Why we are doing speed hackathons

Hackathons are a great way to get into quick prototyping and conceptualization; small teams can try out building processes in fast iterations.

BRYTER is a no-code platform that we promote as the best tool to build self-service apps fast and effortlessly. So we have to assure that this is true. “Eat your own dog food,” as they say. Working with students and young professionals gives us immediate feedback on our platform via their interactions with it. We get to see first-hand how students with little to no tech background interact with our platform, share experiences and brainstorm on additional features.

For students, this is great too. It allows students with a general interest in tech and innovation to really get into automation in no time; they get hands-on advice, guidance, and 1:1 training from BRYTER product and customer success teams.

And of course, it is fertile ground for unearthing promising young talent for our Student Analyst Program. It is true; if you want to work with us, you need to be great at building interactive tools.

Successful kick-off event

On 30 August, we invited a group of German law students to our Frankfurt office to participate in our first Speed Hackathon. We kicked off the day at 11 am with a brief intro to our company and where we’re heading. Our Customer Success team then gave the students a walk-through of our platform. With an initial grasp of the core functionalities, it was time for them to start building. 

The students were given a real-world use case, within the realm of antitrust law, and asked to come up with a solution—in just four hours. The room was abuzz with energy as they built out their solutions. It was impressive to see how quickly they got the hang of the tool and applied themselves to the task.  

“We were really pleased to see how these students who have an interest in tech, but aren’t from a tech background, showed creativity and aptitude to create valuable software solutions within a tight time frame,” said Felix Kirchberg, from our Customer Success team, who was responsible for organization and moderation at the event.  

When time was up, the students presented their solutions. We were proud of what they were able to achieve, with many of them having built market-ready products.  

Congratulations to Lars Ippich, who placed third; Tristan Benke, who placed second; and David Koelliker, who took out first prize. That said, we want to say a big thank you to the whole group, it was a lot of fun and we can’t wait for the next one. 

Next event coming up

Luckily, the next Speed Hackathon is not too far away: the next event will happen on Friday 1 November. It will again take place in our Frankfurt office.  

BRYTER Speed Hack

If you’d like to be a part of it and learn more about no-code, send an email with a short introduction about yourself, your CV, as well as relevant references to: The prerequisite is a successfully passed intermediate examination or first state examination (minimum score of 9). Programming skills, previous knowledge or access to BRYTER is not required. Applications must be received on or before Wednesday 30 October 2019. Travel costs (by arrangement) and meals will be taken care of by BRYTER.  

We’re looking forward to receiving your application! 

The BRYTER Student Analyst Program 

For our BRYTER Student Analyst Program, we are looking for the outstanding legal operations experts and engineers of tomorrow. The role of our Student Analysts is to support our Customer Success, Business Development and Sales teams in day-to-day operations. This support includes the technical implementation of projects on the BRYTER workflow automation platform, assistance with training and workshops, as well as academic research tasks. Check out our work opportunities by visiting BRYTER careers page.

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