Tech for good
Free access for non-profits
Apply for free access with BRYTER Open

Leverage your resource to have a greater impact
BRYTER Open is our tech for good program. We offer non-profits, NGOS, and academic institutions free access to our platform and expertise to scale their missions, increase their reach, and amplify their impact.
Supporting the community has always been a key part of our vision and we are proud to fuel the tech for good movement. Through BRYTER Open, mission-driven organizations can create powerful digital tools and applications that digitize their knowledge and increase access to justice.
Do more with your resources
Scale your oganization. Create efficient triage and self-service tools to deliver agile services, allowing you to better meet the growing needs of your organization.
Provide a tailored service
Build bespoke workflows to direct people using your services to exactly the information they need, providing guidance along the way.
Improve accessibility
Make information more accessible and available 24/7 with self-service, on-demand applications. Accessible anywhere, on any device.
Apply for free access
Find out how you can use the power of BRYTER to scale your non-profit services.